Τι άλλαξε το 2017 ;→ Η μελέτη (αγγλικά): Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2017 ←
(Aφιερωμένη, όπως και πέρισυ, στο ελληνικό πολιτικό προσωπικό, το σημερινό
και κυρίως των προηγούμενων δεκαετιών )

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2016, Updated |
Η ταπείνωση του αλαζόνα: Συνηθίζονταν και συνηθίζεται στις ελληνικές ελίτ (πολιτικές, μιντιακές, ακαδημαϊκές - «δεξιές» και «αριστερές»), να καταφρονούν την Βουλγαρία, την Ρουμανία και άλλες γειτονικές χώρες επειδή είναι «Βαλκανικές» - λες και η Ελλάδα είναι χώρα γειτονική της Γροιλανδίας, λες και όλοι εμείς οι απλοί άνθρωποι στην Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη, σε αντίθεση με αυτά τα κεχρισμένα ανώτερα πλάσματα, είμαστε από τη φύση μας παρίες. Και κάνουν πώς δεν πρόσεξαν, ότι εδώ και καιρό, πολύ πριν την κρίση και τα μνημόνια, ως προς την κοινωνική ανισότητα η Υποσαχάρια Αφρική έχει επεκταθεί και σε μια γωνιά της βόρειας ακτής της Μεσογείου. Ίσως δεν κάνει να βλέπουν τι γίνεται δίπλα αλλά μόνον πέρα μακριά, επειδή τα αφεντικά τους έγιναν πιά Παναμέζοι και Κεϋμανέζοι. Και από τότε τους χαρτζηλικώνουν πιό γενναιόδωρα.
Ούτε καν αναφέρουν τη Μελέτη τα περισσότερα ελληνικά Μέσα Ενημέρωσης. Αναμενόμενο. Το να τρώς τη σκόνη ακόμη και εκείνων που τόσο καταφρονείς είναι αποπνικτικό. Δεν σ΄αφήνει να αρθρώσεις ούτε λέξη.
Το προφίλ της χώρας σύμφωνα με τη μελέτη του 2016 [→ μετάφραση]
Greece ranks as the worst-performing country in terms of social justice. The country fnds itself among the bottom five in all six dimensions that comprise our index, ranking very last in two of these dimensions (labor market access and intergenerational justice). Regarding this edition’s special subindex on children and youth, Greece comes in at place 23 with a score of 4.37.
The crisis has had a devastating efect on poverty and social exclusion. The bailout package measures have aggravated existing social problems. The share of people threatened by poverty or social exclusion remains extraordinarily high: 35.7 percent of the total population is now at risk of poverty or social exclusion (2015).
The rate for children is 37.8 percent and for older people 22.8 percent. The gap between old and young in terms of poverty have strongly increased over the last years with young people harder hit by poverty and social exclusion. Moreover, the share of children living under conditions of severe material deprivation has more than doubled from 10.4 percent in 2008 to 25.7 percent in 2015.
A thriving and socially just economy requires high employment rates in good, well-paying jobs. Greece, however, falls dauntingly far of the mark. Its score of 3.32 in the area of labor market access places it last among the 28-member EU. In 2015, only 50.8 percent of working-age Greeks were employed, the lowest rate in our sample. While the rate of employment has been moderately improving since 2014, it is still 10 percentage points lower than the rate seen in 2008. Older Greek workers, those 55 to 64, have the lowest incidence of employment in the EU, just 34.3 percent were employed. The ratio of women to men active in the labor force is likewise low (0.72 in 2015, rank 27). Looking at the Greek labor market from the perspective of the unemployed, it becomes clear how much must still be done. The overall unemployment rate, 25.1 percent in 2015, is the highest in the EU. Again, a moderate improvement can be seen since the peak in 2013, but the number of unemployed is still more than 15 percentage points higher than it was in 2008 and far higher than the EU average of 9.8 percent. The share of the long-term unemployed, those out of work for a year or more, has also moderately improved but remains alarmingly high: 18.3 percent. These long-term unemployed are at greater risk of poverty and social exclusion. In addition, many of those who are employed find themselves in temporary employment. Indeed, 83.3 percent of Greeks in temporary work could not find a permanent placement. Likewise, young Greek workers face an uncertain future. The unemployment rate of these 15-to-24-year-olds has more than doubled since 2008 to 49.8 percent.
Greek policies are also failing to adequately ensure social cohesion and non discrimination. In terms of the Gini coefcient, a measure of income inequality, Greece ranks 21st. In addition, Greece has the second-highest NEET rate in the EU. In 2015, 26.1 percent of 20-to-24-year-old Greeks were neither employed nor participating in education or training. This rate has continued to decline since peaking at 31.3 percent in 2013, but remains distressingly far from the 15.8 percent seen in 2008. If unresolved, this high incidence of inactive young adults threatens to seriously destabilize the country over the long term. Given these already poor indications, it may come as little surprise that the government’s social inclusion policies were assessed by the SGI researchers to be the worst-performing in the EU (receiving a score of 3 out of 10). The experts determine that “past governments’ negligence in anti-poverty measures and social exclusion policymaking have left those most vulnerable in Greek society unprepared to sustain the efects of the economic crisis.”101
“All in all, it seems that successive governments either did not have a comprehensive plan to fight poverty or deferred to react to increasing social exclusion.”102 Social assistance NGOs and the Orthodox Church have
intensifed their charity work and “the traditional extended Greek family, often including family members over three generations who pool resources, has served as a solution of last resort for the poor and the socially excluded.”103
Greece’s nondiscrimination policies fared only somewhat better, placing 19th with a score of 6. The experts point out that, though protections have been enacted both domestically and at the EU level, “legislation against discrimination has rarely been implemented.”104 There is, however, reason for optimism, with “the rise to power of a strong left-wing party, Syriza, … the opposite of racist discrimination, namely tolerance, solidarity and support of foreigners, was observed in the summer and the fall of 2015, when Greece received a vast infow of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan (210,000 refugees arrived in and passed through Greece in the month of October alone).”105
Greece also ranks at the bottom in terms of intergenerational justice. The country is one of the demographically “oldest” countries in the EU and also carries the highest public debt (178.4% of GDP). Although budget defcits have been scaled back through the implementation of harsh austerity policies, the debt level remains dauntingly high. The fscal burdens for today’s young people as well as future generations are thus immense. At the same time, investment in research and development – vital for future economic growth – is very low (0.8% of GDP).
101 Sotiropoulos, Featherstone, and Karadag (2016), available at www.sgi-network.org.
102 Ibid.
103 Ibid.
104 Ibid.
105 Ibid.
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Το προφίλ της χώρας σύμφωνα με τη μελέτη του 2016 [→ μετάφραση]
Greece ranks as the worst-performing country in terms of social justice. The country fnds itself among the bottom five in all six dimensions that comprise our index, ranking very last in two of these dimensions (labor market access and intergenerational justice). Regarding this edition’s special subindex on children and youth, Greece comes in at place 23 with a score of 4.37.
The crisis has had a devastating efect on poverty and social exclusion. The bailout package measures have aggravated existing social problems. The share of people threatened by poverty or social exclusion remains extraordinarily high: 35.7 percent of the total population is now at risk of poverty or social exclusion (2015).
The rate for children is 37.8 percent and for older people 22.8 percent. The gap between old and young in terms of poverty have strongly increased over the last years with young people harder hit by poverty and social exclusion. Moreover, the share of children living under conditions of severe material deprivation has more than doubled from 10.4 percent in 2008 to 25.7 percent in 2015.
A thriving and socially just economy requires high employment rates in good, well-paying jobs. Greece, however, falls dauntingly far of the mark. Its score of 3.32 in the area of labor market access places it last among the 28-member EU. In 2015, only 50.8 percent of working-age Greeks were employed, the lowest rate in our sample. While the rate of employment has been moderately improving since 2014, it is still 10 percentage points lower than the rate seen in 2008. Older Greek workers, those 55 to 64, have the lowest incidence of employment in the EU, just 34.3 percent were employed. The ratio of women to men active in the labor force is likewise low (0.72 in 2015, rank 27). Looking at the Greek labor market from the perspective of the unemployed, it becomes clear how much must still be done. The overall unemployment rate, 25.1 percent in 2015, is the highest in the EU. Again, a moderate improvement can be seen since the peak in 2013, but the number of unemployed is still more than 15 percentage points higher than it was in 2008 and far higher than the EU average of 9.8 percent. The share of the long-term unemployed, those out of work for a year or more, has also moderately improved but remains alarmingly high: 18.3 percent. These long-term unemployed are at greater risk of poverty and social exclusion. In addition, many of those who are employed find themselves in temporary employment. Indeed, 83.3 percent of Greeks in temporary work could not find a permanent placement. Likewise, young Greek workers face an uncertain future. The unemployment rate of these 15-to-24-year-olds has more than doubled since 2008 to 49.8 percent.
Greek policies are also failing to adequately ensure social cohesion and non discrimination. In terms of the Gini coefcient, a measure of income inequality, Greece ranks 21st. In addition, Greece has the second-highest NEET rate in the EU. In 2015, 26.1 percent of 20-to-24-year-old Greeks were neither employed nor participating in education or training. This rate has continued to decline since peaking at 31.3 percent in 2013, but remains distressingly far from the 15.8 percent seen in 2008. If unresolved, this high incidence of inactive young adults threatens to seriously destabilize the country over the long term. Given these already poor indications, it may come as little surprise that the government’s social inclusion policies were assessed by the SGI researchers to be the worst-performing in the EU (receiving a score of 3 out of 10). The experts determine that “past governments’ negligence in anti-poverty measures and social exclusion policymaking have left those most vulnerable in Greek society unprepared to sustain the efects of the economic crisis.”101
“All in all, it seems that successive governments either did not have a comprehensive plan to fight poverty or deferred to react to increasing social exclusion.”102 Social assistance NGOs and the Orthodox Church have
intensifed their charity work and “the traditional extended Greek family, often including family members over three generations who pool resources, has served as a solution of last resort for the poor and the socially excluded.”103
Greece’s nondiscrimination policies fared only somewhat better, placing 19th with a score of 6. The experts point out that, though protections have been enacted both domestically and at the EU level, “legislation against discrimination has rarely been implemented.”104 There is, however, reason for optimism, with “the rise to power of a strong left-wing party, Syriza, … the opposite of racist discrimination, namely tolerance, solidarity and support of foreigners, was observed in the summer and the fall of 2015, when Greece received a vast infow of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan (210,000 refugees arrived in and passed through Greece in the month of October alone).”105
Greece also ranks at the bottom in terms of intergenerational justice. The country is one of the demographically “oldest” countries in the EU and also carries the highest public debt (178.4% of GDP). Although budget defcits have been scaled back through the implementation of harsh austerity policies, the debt level remains dauntingly high. The fscal burdens for today’s young people as well as future generations are thus immense. At the same time, investment in research and development – vital for future economic growth – is very low (0.8% of GDP).
101 Sotiropoulos, Featherstone, and Karadag (2016), available at www.sgi-network.org.
102 Ibid.
103 Ibid.
104 Ibid.
105 Ibid.
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Η προϊστορία
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Τα συμπεράσματα (pdf, αγγλικά) για το προηγούμενο έτος 2015 : Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2015 Social Inclusion Monitor Europe (sim EU) |

ΟΟΣΑ: Κατανομή εισοδήματος και φτώχεια. Διαδραστικοί πίνακες & εξέλιξη στο χρόνο - Compare your country
Στον ιστότοπο Μετά την Κρίση:
1. Η μεταβολή 2007-2014
2. Σκέψεις με τον Κονδύλη: Η Ελλάδα έθνος που φθίνει ή δυσαρμονική κοινωνία με αποτυχημένο πολιτικό σύστημα;
3. O νεοφιλελευθερισμός και η ιστορία του - εδώ στο Νότο
4. Γεράσιμος Μοσχονάς: Παγιδευμένες διαδρομές - Συμφέροντα της ιδιωτικής σφαίρας και το «καθεστωτικό μπλοκ» της μεσαίας τάξης, εμποδίζουν κάθε μεταρρύθμιση
3. O νεοφιλελευθερισμός και η ιστορία του - εδώ στο Νότο
4. Γεράσιμος Μοσχονάς: Παγιδευμένες διαδρομές - Συμφέροντα της ιδιωτικής σφαίρας και το «καθεστωτικό μπλοκ» της μεσαίας τάξης, εμποδίζουν κάθε μεταρρύθμιση
Τα αποτελέσματα για το 2015 συνοπτικά. Συγκρίσεις χωρών:
Α. Η γενική εικόνα του 2015
Β. Poverty Rate
Γ. Gini Coefficient
Άλλες συγκρίσεις μεταξύ χωρών ΕΕ online:
Sustainable Governance Indicators
Α. Η γενική εικόνα του 2015
Β. Poverty Rate
Γ. Gini Coefficient
Άλλες συγκρίσεις μεταξύ χωρών ΕΕ online:
Sustainable Governance Indicators
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